Thursday, November 10, 2011


The same day that we found out the test results, Mr. M had his 33rd birthday. We had planned to go out and celebrate even though we both felt like curling up on the couch and crying. Okay – I felt like curling up on the couch and crying.

I am thankful that we did go to dinner because it did take our mind off the news and we had a good time just being us. An elderly couple showed us kindness by buying a bottle of champagne for us. It was such a nice, unexpected surprise.

Our meeting with the urologist is next week and so this week, all I can focus on is the present. We have to pay our roofing bill, we need to sit down and do a budget for next month and I need to get our home office in order. I have to “keep my chin up” like Out of My Window commented and focus on today.

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